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Burner Media and System



SFF1 Sintered Mat

SFFP Perforated Sintered Mat

:Excellent Porosity, High Specific Surface Area, Intensity and Durability

It is piled metalfiber layers with certain thickness and bonded every single fiber by melting.  Its feature is high permeability, high specific surface area, high strength and durability.


:Low Pressure Drop, Excellent Uniformity



It is piled metalfiber layers with certain thickness and bonded every single fiber by melting and perforated with regular interval.  Its feature is low differential pressure and excellent uniformity.

Type           Size[㎜x㎜]          Weight[g/㎡]          Thickness[㎜]      Porosity[%]

SFF1-35     500 x 1,000        3,500±400             3.5                         86

Type              Size[㎜x㎜]       Weight[g/㎡]   Thickness[㎜]    Porosity[%]    Hole Pattern

SFFP-35-4   260 x 1,000       3,500±400       2.2                      83                   Ø1-4Pitch

SFFP-30-2   300 x 1,000       3,000±400       2.2                      89                   Ø0.8-2Pitch 

SFFE Embossed Sintered Mat

WFF1 Woven Mat

:High Surface Temperature, Excellent Porosity
It is piled metalfiber layers with certain thickness and embossed on the surface under high temperature and bonded every single fiber by melting. Its feature is high surface temperature and high permeability. 
:High Flexibility for Various Shapes

It is woven metalf fiber like fabric. It provides high flexibility and variuous form



Type           Size[㎜x㎜]          Weight[g/㎡]          Thickness[㎜]      Porosity[%]

SFFE-30    400 x 900            3,000±400             3.5


Type                  Size[㎜x㎜]                 Weight[g/㎡]          Thickness[㎜]      

WFF1 - 15        Width : 1,500mm       1,500±100                        -

WFF1 - 20        Width : 1,500mm       2,000±350                        -


Woven Cyl
:High Surface Temperature, Excellent Porosity
:High Surface Temperature, Excellent Porosity


Type           Size[㎜x㎜]          Weight[g/㎡]          Thickness[㎜]      Porosity[%]

Please contact a reposible engineer in FiberTech via e-mail and phone call.


Type           Size[㎜x㎜]          Weight[g/㎡]          Thickness[㎜]      Porosity[%]

Please contact a reposible engineer in FiberTech via e-mail and phone call.

Address:  56, Bangchon-ro 995beon-gil (16-1, Moonji), Tanhyun, Pajoo, Gyeonggi, 10857 KOREA

​Office: +82-31-942-9008        Fax: +82-31-942-8275       E-mail:

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